Friday, November 16, 2007

Let’s Get Right to Business

No messing around this week. What do you need to know about the Washington Center and Washington D.C.?

1. Housing
I remember really wanting to know more about where exactly I would be living….My first impression was wow, this is way too nice. I can only really speak for my building, Meridian at Braddock Station, but you walk in and there is a big lobby with golden elevators. Then the concierge asks, “Are you from the Washington Center?” After being directed to the 16th floor the doors open up in front of you and the “wow” factor continues as a direct result of the penthouse view.

The rooms themselves (if kept clean and adorned with personals) are great as well. Give me a solid table and one comfy chair

and I'm content, but the arrangement here definitely exceeds those expectations. I’ve added a few pictures…

2. Commute
My commute is about a half hour which is great, especially considering the fact that I’m not driving--I'm reading or aimlessly people watching on the metro (which is fun in the morning but exponentially more so if you stay up late enough to enter the twilight zone during the weekends). Sightseeing or even just seeing your friends is made easy by effective public transportation so you can look forward to that as well.

3. Programming
My main gripe with the programming is there are too many options. It was much easier when your third grade teacher would just walk you through the zoo exhibits but those days are over. My advisor sends me emails with tour, job, or volunteer opportunities at least twice a week. With each email my head swims a little more, wondering when time will slow down so I can see and do everything that appeals to me… It really is an exercise is planning which is something we are all supposed to have perfected by time we have graduated college…ha.

4. Social Life

Socially, Washington D.C. is my small college gone Barry Bonds (the defense lawyer in me would like to add the stipulation that Barry is only “accused” of using steroids and having a head size that expanded like a hot air balloon). There are an incredible amount of young people and places to get together. It also doesn’t hurt that you live in a giant apartment building with other "Washington Centertonians," and have several scheduled social events. I personally have capitalized on having a pool table upstairs and transformed myself from an embarrassingly bad player to one that can say things like “I just needed a few games to warm up."

But most important insight I can provide this week is GET READY FOR THANKSGIVING!!! Whether it’s the family, football, fall colors or food, the Holiday season is here.

Until next week,


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