Thursday, December 13, 2007

Final Post

Here we are...three months later. I’m on the Metro. I’ve been on the move non-stop all week but this very moment is the beginning of a deep breath. Another short life chapter is being closed with a twinge of sadness and a wave of satisfaction. What a blur it was: Costa Rica, D.C., new internship, public speakers, sightseeing, LSAT class, applications, job interviews and a few classes in three short months.

This is not an advertisement. This is my blog. My thoughts (which I hope you’ve enjoyed) and my honest opinion and well-intended advice. If you are a person looking to make professional connections in a hurry this (a TWC internship) is exactly what you should do. I would guess that most people reading this entry are at “home" on winter break contemplating where they will go to get an internship or study away from campus. Studious minds scowling the web for the best trip at the best cost. I was in that exact place; clicking away at countless search results until I found the job in the city that provided me with a spark of adventure and a promise of personal and professional development.

I can still hear my friend's voice. “I just hope you don’t get stuck out there, man.” Ha. I will see that friend when I go back to Seattle for Christmas and I will tell him that the last thing I feel is “stuck." I completed the Washington Center program with 2 great jobs, an incredible apartment, and nothing but oppourtunity ahead of me. "Stuck" sounds more like staying around my hometown taking an easy and comfortable job. That was not what I needed after I graduated and I’m glad I seized the oppourtunity to make a move.

My TWC job interview was somewhat surreal. Three advisors I admire sat across the table from me, unabashedly firing away rounds of questions as I sat there with my tie tied exceptionally tight. And now I’m part of the crew. The blog title TWC and ME turned out to be an unintentional exercise in foreshadowing.

In three months my life has gone through some rapid changes and I hope you have gained some insight into what TWC and D.C. life is like. I’ll be here as a resource for all future participants and I really look forward to meeting you.

Signing off,


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