Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Law School Application Season

It’s something like…

Watching the ice cream cone you saved up to buy melting before you can eat it all…

Trying to securely tie your shoe strings into a double knot when your six-year-old psyche just wants to get out there and play…

Standing on the edge of the high dive when your instructors keep screaming YOU’RE NOT READY TO SWIM…

Yet all you can hear inside your head is…


And you’d better make this dive perfect or you will never touch the sweet water of law school in which half the world expects you to drown.

What a rush. Literally...

Resume, recommendation, loan application, STOP, rethink and redirect.

Hello again, Mr. Stephens (Washington Center Director of Internships with a resume that any recent graduate would do well to emulate). Thank you for meeting me for lunch. Yes, I am planning to attend law school next fall. Well, I believe so, but I also need to decide if I’m going to stay here in D.C. after December. My current internship at the Public Defender Service is great and I am interested in staying on there as an investigator until law school begins.

“Well, Ian, no matter what course you choose, please keep me posted. Consider me a resource.”

Thank you for your time, Mr. Stephens, and I’ll talk to you soon.

Late for work, late at work

Kaplan class has been good. I really enjoy being busy. I’m just better when I’m busy.

And I will stand behind the statement in my "personal statement" that the State of the State is leaving the impoverished, largely minority community behind. Take a look at D.C. and its clear as day to me.

“Don’t go to Southeast.” They say it with reason and working there gives me cause to stand up and say our legal system is sending generations of project prisoners from cell blocks to city blocks where hope is hard to find. It sounds harsh but so is the reality of what is going on in the halls of the public schools in those neighborhoods. There are too many good people in bad surroundings. It hits home as I am talking to a 17-year-old kid facing felony assault. He just didn’t see any other way to handle a situation he could not avoid at school.

RUUUN. Blog time, online, school search, pay dirt….breeeathe—that loan came through.

Grocery shop, waterhole hop, and don’t forget your business card.

Ian Warner
Intern Investigor
Public Defender Sevice Washington D.C.
(206) 940-4422

Talk to you soon,


1 comment:

Christy said...

Love this one! Best of luck to you.