Monday, September 24, 2007

D.C. Directions: Up, Down, Up

Last week I helped a client earn a great plea. This week it fell apart because of a negative drug test.

This morning I was on top of the world (doing my best Denzel investigator face in the rearview) ready for a busy day of interviews and statements.

This afternoon I was sweating in traffic after being lost for (no exaggeration) 5 hours. Yes, I had a map, but D.C. thought it was clever to have the same street names in 4 different quadrants of the city. Within such a transportation pattern, a stranger (who mistakenly rushed his plans at the office this morning) could drive to Alabama Street in the far NW corner of the greater metropolitan area, when in fact; he wanted to go to Alabama Street SE, which is exactly what I did.

The day was far from lost. Once I got to my real destination, I was able to speak with some witnesses and found some information about the scene of the incident that the attorney was looking for. As you can imagine, I’m exhausted.

And it’s only Wednesday?

Monday seems like weeks ago but it was another memorable one…

There were several cases that needed to be worked on and we were having luck so I did not want to leave for the first lecture in TWC’s Presidential Lecture Series until I absolutely had to. Another intern also was planning on going and was worried about how long it would take to get there but I convinced her we would be fine if we left an hour early.

Well, once we got on the metro we both knew we’d be lucky to make it. I deservedly got an earful for not leaving when we should of (and I felt terrible) but we ran, (laughing at how ridiculous we felt running in business suits in downtown D.C.) and showed up just in time…

Just in time to hear an inspirational speech from two-time cabinet member Secretary Norm Mineta (the first Asian American to be a member of the Cabinet during the Clinton administration and the first Cabinet member to switch directly from a Democratic to a Republican Cabinet.). After the speech, I was able to exchange greetings with Secretary Mineta.

On the way out Secretary Mineta and the Managing Director of Internships at The Washington Center were walking in the same direction as my friends and I, so we chatted as we got ready to cross the street. The Director suggested I call him for lunch next week--another great opportunity.

My friends and I finished the day by taking the long way to the Metro. We passed directly by The White House and the Washington Monument, made a stop at the WWII Memorial and pointed out the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials as the lights that illuminate the statues came on…

We’ll see what happens tomorrow,

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