Saturday, September 29, 2007

Late Nights

As a lowly 22 year old with an unsullied bachelors degree, adolescent accolades, and a lack of extensive experience in anything except school, the cubicle and the copier seemed destined to be centerpieces of my day-to-day existence.

Instead, the clouds have parted.

My internship does not end at 5 o'clock. One afternoon early on in the semester, I left around 4, but recently I've been choosing to stay until around 7:30 on a regular basis. I know its 7:30. Yes, I’m tired and hungry by that point. But going home is not in the forefront of my mind, and I believe I've figured out why.

It is not some noble cause. It is not some superior desire or drive to excel. It is not the pretty law clerks either. It is simply that I enjoy my work. It is that I am doing something important--tasks that will make an impact in other people’s lives. They are my clients, but they are also people in crisis that need legal assistance. Providing that service as the dark settles in is nothing less than enjoyable.

During my job I have been mistreated, mislead, threatened, lied to and disrespected.

During my job I have also been thanked, complimented, taken care of and respected.

And the truth of the matter is that is just about all I can tell you. I can’t tell you about the case we should not have lost today. I can’t tell you about my testimony and the cross examination the wonderful prosecutor subjected me too. I can’t describe to you the 17 year old kid from the projects in southeast who described to me exactly what he is talking about when he says “At my school it gets real live in the halls." But I can tell you those conversations will stay with for some time.

Who knows what would have happened if I went home at 5?

So… yea, give me a call but I probably won’t be home before 8...


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