Friday, September 14, 2007

Grin and grip

The term is “grin and grip”-- it’s a networking reference I’ve heard several times at Washington Center programming. It implies making the same eye contact and extending that ideal handshake we have all been taught since childhood, but this time it means something. This time we are intently grinning and gripping at our offices, lunches, and happy hours--making the connections that all TWC students are hoping to find in D.C.

In my first blog I neglected to mention the one and only place I haven’t found myself doing the "grin and grip"--the D.C. Metro. The Metro in the morning reminds me of my college library; it's a sort of social vacuum in which reading is the norm and conversation is minimal. However, I’ve found a way through the groggy-eyed dodgers…act utterly lost.

Of course this piece of information was not obtained through any sort of orderly experiment but rather my indoctrinated snoozyness (adopted from every other person on the Metro).

One morning I realized the part of the city I was admiring was a place I had never seen before. I promptly jumped off the metro and began studying maps when suddenly, I had more help than anyone could need.

“Next stop” and “next train connection” suggestions abundant, I had made my first Metro buddies…before I got back on track (pun intended) I had 4 business cards…that’s D.C. for you.

In my youth I would have been appalled at the statement I'm about to make...but it has become quite clear that my growing business card collection will be much more valuable than my baseball card collection. Yes, I’m still proud of my Ken Griffey Junior rookie card but in terms of VALUE it’s likely that the grinning and gripping I’ve grown fond of here in D.C. will come to fruition before Fleer (Sports Card Company) provides me with a career opportunity.

Speaking of opportunities, today I received 8 (otherwise known as things to do this week) from my TWC advisor. Among them are: attending the Defending the American Dream Summit, a Civic Engagement opportunity, an Aids Walk, 9/11 weekend tributes, and an update on our Presidential lecture series next week. Well...

Wish me luck,


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